
Ashley Shye

High Class Companion in Los Angeles

Wine Flu

Published: January 6th, 2020

Wine Flu

Happy New Year to you all my lovely companions thank you for your Christmas gifts (I must have been a really good girl). Hope all went well with you all starting 2020 so many things that happen this time of the year, coughs and sneezes, flu, tummy bugs and of course the dreaded hangover!!

The best night of your life just turned into your worst nightmare the morning after. We've all been there, right? Your throat gets raspy, you are dehydrated and your head hurts as if someone kicked you in the head.  Sounds like you need your fix! Coffee!!

Humankind’s relationship with Hangovers has been a tempestuous, 10,000-year affair. No matter how bad alcohol treats us, or however many times we utter the mythical words “never again,” we just can’t help but come back for more .

Ironically, while we know what causes hangovers an unholy trilogy of lack of antioxidants, inflammation, and dehydration and though we have been dealing with them for millennia, we’ve yet to come up with a bona fide cure for the morning after. Products commonly taken for hangovers, like Alka-Seltzer and over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen, carry a combined market value of over $4 billion.

The herbal and dietary supplement market, which includes hangover treatments like PartySmart and Drinkin’ Mate, hit $1.6 billion in value in 2017. Neither of these figures takes into consideration the sports drinks market, which contains some of the most popular hangover solutions.

Remedies haven’t always been so palatable. Ancient Assyrians cured the effects of overconsumption with a mixture of ground birds’ beaks and myrrh. In Rome, a smorgasbord of fried canary, raw owls’ eggs, and sheep’s lungs was thought to be just the ticket. (Try and find these)

In 19th-century New England, sufferers swore by the Prairie Oyster, a combination of raw egg, Worcestershire sauce, tomato juice, vinegar, hot sauce, salt, and black pepper. Meanwhile, in actual England, warm milk mixed with a healthy serving of fireplace ashes was a common remedy Yuk

In the 1930s, bartenders at New York’s Ritz-Carlton hotel swapped out those ashes for Coca-Cola. You drink it, they claimed, then “take a little nap and after that, you feel wonderful.”

In addition to sounding disgusting, none of them actually worked. The best way to avoid a hangover is to stay drunk and the ancient Scottish remedy “hair of the dog” remains popular.

Ashley Happiness is waking up without a hangover xx