
Ashley Shye

High Class Companion in Los Angeles

Specs Appeal

Published: May 22nd, 2023

Specs Appeal

Have you heard the story? Men don’t make passes to women who wear glasses, it depends on the scenario some of my friends love to see me in glasses (all the better to see you with).

Welcome once again I hope you are finding my Blogs interesting I certainly enjoy writing them for you First a little snippet from a magazine I was reading

Once upon a time, women wore panties that actually covered their rears. I know, it’s shocking, isn’t it? Just imagine: A woman clad in underwear that didn’t immediately reveal the whole of her derrière, these generous underthings created panty lines that subtly hinted at what was below. It was a time of restraint and suggestion—the good old days! (For some but not all)

Now Back to the story...

No self respecting Sexy Secretary would not be seen without wearing her ??? Of course, her glasses they convey intelligence, and intelligent women are hot, their appeal goes beyond that. Whether I wear a pair of oversize black rims or cat-eyed **sexy secretary** specs, my glasses provide intrigue. Am I a buttoned-up nerd who needs to let my hair down? A stuffy intellectual wanting to escape the confines of my brain? Clark Kent became Superman when he took off his glasses who do I transfer into when I take mine off. You will have to visit me to find out.

Here’s looking at you. I have not just got sex appeal but I have specs appeal too.

Ashley: Let me take something down for you Sir! 💋