
Ashley Shye

High Class Companion in Los Angeles

New Years Resolutions

Published: January 6th, 2019

New Years Resolutions

Hi Guys and Gals Another year gone and a new one begins so lets get started. I will be pleased to hear your resolutions and how long they lasted.

New Years Resolutions are like rules, meant to be broken. Last year, about one in five people came up with some sort of resolve on 1 January, however, separately it has also been claimed that most of us will have Given up on them by 10th January.

Every New Year's Eve, I write a list of resolutions. Some are practical (whiten teeth), while others are a bit of a stretch (around the world in eighty days). These promises to myself from physical to mental, possible to improbable but all have one thing in common: They serve as my own personal road map for the next 12 months.
And I'm not alone.

As someone who's made the top two resolutions below (more than once), I wanted to know: Is it true that most people don't keep their resolutions? The answer, I am relieved to discover, appears to be a resounding yes.

Resolution is a word with more than one meaning. However, when talking about a New Year, a resolution is a promise people make to themselves to be better. The person (me) decides to make a serious effort to do something over the next 12 months.
Many people use the start of a new year as a time to try something new or change something about themselves. This use of resolution dates back to the late 1700s. These earlier resolutions were usually of a religious nature. However, these days, New Year’s resolutions are usually about living healthier, having more success and finding greater satisfaction in life.
So, some common New Year’s resolutions are to:

* lose weight,
* exercise more,
* keep in contact with family and friends,
* stop smoking,
* save money,
* go back to school,
* cut back on alcohol,
* or get more or better sleep.

Some people may make a New Year’s resolution to improve only one area of their life. Others may feel they need to completely change everything. These people may use the New Year as a time to turn over a new leaf! Turning over a new leaf means to make a change for many people the New Year is a good time for a fresh start.

Still, many people do not make New Year’s resolutions. They do not want to put added pressure on themselves. Or they are happy with what they are doing and how their lives are progressing (me again). Some people may think that there is no reason to try so hard to change yourself.

Setting aside time every day to learn a new language or musical instrument is not easy. As we get older, it might be even more difficult for people to change their behaviour but we can always try.

My New Years Resolution was going to be to quit all my bad habits, then it occurred to me - no one likes a Quitter (ha ha)

Ashley Always a pleasure x