
Ashley Shye

High Class Companion in Los Angeles

Caveman Style

Published: August 6th, 2023

Caveman Style

The act of picking up a female (either a piggy back or firmans lift) and running somewhere to have sex grunting and swinging a club or beer bottle while you do it.

Hi you naughty lot hope you are keeping up the good work (know what I mean) NO I will tell you when I see you.

You know that cartoon that shows how a caveman chooses a mate? The one where he’s dragging her along the ground, having knocked her out with a club? The 1923 Buster Keaton film The Three Ages featured a stone-age man dragging his mate by the hair. A 1934 New Yorker cartoon shows a caveman dragging an unconscious woman back to the cave, only to realize his wife is home. In a 2002 version, a caveman drags his woman and man back to his cave (bi sexual) even in those days.

Although I do not want the old fashioned type of caveman I do like a bit of passion where a partner lifts you up and takes you to the bedroom sort of like the film Officer and a Gentleman.

Women have come a long way since the caveman days as in the flint stones Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone. Wilma and Betty are having none of it. Go girls.

Ashley: Come and visit me without your club. I can be Betty or Wilma please do not be Fred 💋