
Ashley Shye

High Class Companion in Los Angeles


Published: July 21st, 2019


Hi all you blog lovers. I was reminiscing the other day about my first Ball (Black tie) I was invited to. Here we go, although I was excited I was going to be stressed you know what I mean, The dress the shoes don’t forget bag and jewellery.

Exactly how the black tie or bow tie we now associate with the most prestigious social occasions and special events evolved out of a piece of rag round a Croatian soldier’s neck is not quite clear.

What we do know, however, is that it was in the late nineteenth century that the dinner jacket and corresponding black tie became popular amongst the British middle and upper classes who sought an alternative to the dress coat, which was an evening tailcoat that had begun to seem just a tad too formal.

Then in 1886 it properly became a part of fashion history when a formal ball was held by the tobacco magnate Pierre Lorillard on his estate in Orange County in New York state. We know how much influence this event was to have by the name of the club at which it was held: The Tuxedo Club. So, not only was the dinner jacket introduced to America, but it was taken to the heart of American society and given a new name that would last to this day.

So I went for a silver dollar look not my normal but still stunning don’t you think you can never be too Glamorous.

_Ashley always willing to attend a ball xx_